Creating your life purpose statement

Yasmeen Turayhi
3 min readJun 1, 2021

So many people start their days without an intention or a goal and end their days with no real reflection. For much of my life, this was true. I had general ideas of what I wanted to accomplish, and long to-do lists, but no real plan. A plan is something that requires inquiry, reflection, contemplation, vigilance, and priority. A plan is something that should be revisited every day.

When we do not bring awareness to our habits, we become a program, a collection of all of our pre-existing habits throughout the day. And yes, while we might find some inspiration throughout the day, and can complete a handful of goals, we can’t measure whether it’s in alignment with our greater life path and mission, and we certainly don’t know how it lines up with our long term goals and vision.

In the book Essentialism, the author talks about focusing ONLY on what is essential. So what is essential? If you could strip away all the things that are out of alignment with your highest life path and purpose, what would that be?



Yasmeen Turayhi

Product Marketing Executive - Award Winning Film Writer — Podcaster. Obsessed with launching products. &